This week has been beyond
difficult for us, if you followed my previous post you would have read (briefly)
about my sons admission into an inpatient clinic program for 10 days, it has
been 2 weeks since he was discharged and it has been a long two weeks to say
the least.
We have been trying to figure out
where to go from here, currently my son is staying with his father and step
mother during the week as she is not working and the remainder of our parenting
team does, everyone else we know works and we are not financially able to
afford a full time facilitator or carer even if we could find someone who was
able to cope with my sons care.
My sons official diagnosis list
is as follows; ADHD, ODD, OCD, Anxiety, ASD (Aspergers). Early onset of conduct
disorder and psychopathy are the latest as diagnosed by the clinic psychiatrist
at the clinic (our Red Cross doctors are not on the same page here); looking at the above I am sure you can imagine that finding
someone to look after him knowing all of the above and someone who could
actually cope is a tall and near impossible order, my sons behavior(s) do not
switch off they are constant from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed,
this coupled with the mouth of a teenager and his IQ make looking after him is
exceptionally difficult so currently his step mom is the only one who is able
to do this during the week and he then comes to us every weekend whilst my
middle son who is also my ex and my son stays with us permanently and goes to
his dad every second weekend.
Last week we met with a social
worker to try and determine the best way forward, at the end of the day we are
just not sure what to do anymore and we just want to find a source of help for
our son; it turns out that help in Cape Town and in Africa for that matter in
this department is severely actually beyond severely limited and the options
that we are left with involve sending our son into a long term program away
from home which has absolutely shattered my heart beyond repair.
This week we had an appointment
scheduled with our sons Red Cross doctors, my ex and his wife went through with
him and 2 hours in I received a call to say they wanted to admit as our son was
threatening suicide amongst other things, now I will tell you that I am very
doubtful that my son comprehends the finality of suicide and that it actually
means death and no coming back, I know my son is stubborn as hell and will do
something just because he thinks he can reverse what is done and that is just
as scary as your child actually wanting to end their life, knowing that they don’t
but would do it anyway without understanding the consequences.
They wanted to admit him into the
general ward which we were not happy about, apparently the TLC unit at Red
Cross is literally the only young adolescent government unit in the whole of Africa
that therapeutically helps children like Loghan long term whilst allowing them
to pursue their education. BEYOND SCARY!!!!!
It was back and forth between our
psychologist and psychiatrist until eventually we were told there were no beds
available and no beds available anywhere else either so we would need to take
him home and watch him and if anything happened or he attempted anything we
were to call an ambulance strait away, this equals no sleep and a worry that I
cannot even begin to explain- last week I double locked all of the doors and hid
the keys in a drawer in my room after he attempted to run off with 2 bags
packed earlier that day.
Just to add that his bags
included- 3 hoodies, 1 t-shirt, a radio, a broken tablet, deodorant, mozzie
repellent, a compass, several books, his favorite teddy, a compass and R130.
Once it was decided that we were
going home, we discussed our families case and the way forward, we determined
that given that the TLC unit will not be up and running for some time that we
would need to look at other long term programs, this involves social workers
and court orders and my heart just continued to break because you feel like you
are sending your child away when in reality I would love nothing more than to
keep him home but we just aren’t able to help him to the full extent that help
is needed and no one knows how to help us, these seems to be the only thing
that everyone involved can agree upon.
If you have worked with social
workers (government allocated) then you will know it is both painstakingly
frustrating and aggravating, the social worker allocated to our case in now on
leave and the supervisor is never available or the phone just rings endlessly….now
The answer… we just have to
follow up until we get an answer if we can get through that is and in the mean
time we just have to take it one day at a time and try to incorporate schooling
between the 4 of us as Loghan is still registered with the school and will be
until the end of the year whereupon we should have an answer as to where we are
going to from here.
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